
Dynamic Data

Ian Lyttle 2020-09-02

The purpose of this document is to download the datasets used from dynamic sources, in particular the lastest data from the Iowa Coronavirus website.


dir_target <- path("data", "download")

The data from the NYT is delayed by a day. It may be useful to scrape the Iowa Coronavirus site for the latest information.

url_access <- ""
html_file <- path(dir_target, "access.html")
css_selector <- "td"

We are going to use rvest to page, but there’s a problem. The page is not a static HTML site; the data we want is injected into the site using JavaScript. This means that rvest would be looking for the css tags in a document that does not have the data table.

We need another tool for the toolbox: crrri - a package written by Romain Lesur and Christophe Dervieux - which will let us build the page locally, using Chrome. Then we will scrape it, using our local copy of the page.

The crrri package is not on CRAN, and it requires that you have Chrome installed on your computer, so that it can call it in the background. To run Chrome, the crrri package will need to know where to find Chrome. You can use pagedown::find_chrome() to find the location on your computer (on mine, it is "/Applications/Google Chrome"). The crrri package uses the environment variable HEADLESS_CHROME to look for a default value.

chrome <- Chrome$new()
## Running '/Applications/Google Chrome' \
##   --no-first-run --headless \
##   '--user-data-dir=/Users/sesa19001/Library/Application Support/r-crrri/chrome-data-dir-puifcnlb' \
##   '--remote-debugging-port=9222' '--proxy-server=' \
##   '--proxy-bypass-list=localhost;;;'
client <- chrome$connect()
dump_DOM <- function(client, url, html_file) {
  Network <- client$Network
  Page <- client$Page
  Runtime <- client$Runtime
  Network$enable() %...>%
  { Page$enable() } %...>%
  { Network$setCacheDisabled(cacheDisabled = TRUE) } %...>% 
  { Page$navigate(url = url) } %...>%
  { Page$loadEventFired() } %...>% {
    Sys.sleep(10) # hacky - wait for a certain event, instead
  } %...>% { 
      expression = 'document.documentElement.outerHTML'
  } %...>% {
    writeLines(c(.$result$value, "\n"), con = html_file) 
  } %>%
    ~ client$disconnect()
  ) %...!% {
    cat("Error:", .$message, "\n")
  client %...>% dump_DOM(url_access, html_file)  